Happy Christmas!

Christmas greetings to all my Android friends! Here’s wishing you a happy & holy Christmas, and a productive new year in 2012.


Here’s my policy on sponsored posts, after consulting with readers in October 2011: I will accept sponsored posts on this blog, whether the advertiser wants to sponsor the entire post, or just pay for a mention in the post. Any post which includes sponsored content will be marked as such, to be easily identifiable. Regardless … Read more

Full posts now available in feed

Up until now the RSS feed for this site has been showing article previews – a brief snippet of each post, but not the whole content. Many people (including myself) prefer to be able to read full posts from an RSS reader, rather than having to click through to the original website for every article. … Read more

Received My First Payment From Madvertise

This month I received my first publisher payment from Madvertise. I started using this advertising network in October, and have had some fantastic results so far. Madvertise only works well in Europe (fill rates are very low in the rest of the world), but for European traffic it can return very good revenues. During October … Read more

Developer Directory

This directory contains a list of all the Android Developers I could find, along with their websites. If you are an Android Developer, and would like to have your blog added to this list, click here to submit your site.

Samsung Galaxy S2 Multi-Touch

Check out this Samsung Galaxy S II Multi Touch video. You can press all 10 fingers on the screen at once, with accurate tracking even when fingers are close together. That’s what I call true multi-touch.