A developer success story

The developer of Camera+ (for iOS devices) recently announced that their app has hit 2 million sales. This figure is a huge success, both numerically and financially. To celebrate this milestone, the developers have decided to share some of their stats publicly, including overall sales volume and revenue from in-app purchases. One of the most … Read more

Making Money With Android On IRC

Hi everyone! Forum member Gabriele (megasoft78) recently posted a thread about creating an IRC channel for this website. This would provide an avenue for realtime discussion, and another way of exchanging ideas with the people who already frequent the blog and forums. The feedback so far has been very positive, so we now have a new … Read more


Some of you have been asking lately – where the heck has David gone? There have been no posts for over a month now, and I apologise for disappearing without warning. Where have I been? Travelling the world, actually. At the start of August I left for a pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2011 in … Read more

Should I Write Sponsored Posts?

I’ve had quite a few offers lately from people who would like to sponsor articles on this blog. The basic understanding being, they pay me to write about a particular topic, or include a link to their product. The payment is sufficient and helps me pay off my iva. It’s not an unusual situation in web … Read more

Steve Jobs is Dead

Wow. Today the technology industry farewells one of the greatest visionaries we’ve ever seen. Apple has confirmed that Steve Jobs, ex-CEO of Apple, passed away today: We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of … Read more

Opening For Guest Authors

Over the past couple of years this blog has documented my personal journey developing and monetizing Android apps. The initial goal of $1000/month seemed lofty at the time – but since October 2011, I’ve continued to exceed this target every month. Now it’s time to move on to a new stage in the site’s evolution. … Read more

Popular Video Game Emulators Removed from Android Market

According to the latest report from Engadget, Google has pulled a popular range of video game console emulators from the Android Market. The developer Yong Zhang’s account has been disabled, and all his apps removed from the Android Market. Some of the apps previously published under his account (yohngzh) include Nesoid, Snesoid, Gensoid, N64oid, Ataroid, Gearoid and Gameboid. 

Android Developers on Google+

This morning Google announced a brand new Google+ page for Android Developers. The goal is to create “a place for Android developers everywhere to meet, share, and connect with the people behind the Android developer experience”. The Android Developer Relations team will be hosting Google+ Hangouts from this page, and even calling in some external developers … Read more

Android Apps

Here is a list of all my Android apps published to date. Check out the apps below, or visit my Android Market developer profile for a complete up-to-date list. Tap That! Number The first app I wrote for this blog, and still the most popular. CPU Usage Live Wallpaper An elegant wallpaper that shows current … Read more

Over 700,000 Android Devices Activated Per Day

Andy Rubin just posted the latest Android goodness on Google+. Apparently there are now over 700,000 Android devices activated per day around the world. And that’s not counting upgrades. The full message, posted in two parts on Andy’s Google+ profile: There are now over 700,000 Android devices activated every day …and for those wondering, we count … Read more