Live Wallpapers, and PreferenceActivity bugs

I’ve been working on a new app lately – a CPU monitor live wallpaper for Android. There are some great tutorials & sample code out there if you’re looking at starting with live wallpapers. I recommend the Androgames tutorial, as well as the official Android documentation, and CubeLiveWallpaper sample application. Both tutorials take a slightly … Read more

Is User a Monkey?

One of the things I love about Google is that the company has a sense of humor. Just look at how seriously they take April Fools day, or the easter-egg built into Google Docs. This sense of humor didn’t miss the Android team. Take a look at the official documentation for ActivityManager. What’s this I … Read more

Apple iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II

Ok, so maybe the title’s just a little bit of a linkbait. 😉 But I got a very strong sense of déjà vu when I woke up this morning and first read the specs for the new iPhone 4S. Dual-core processor, 8MP camera, world phone…. hang on a sec, that’s describing my phone! My Samsung Galaxy S II … Read more


As you may have noticed, the website was down for about 24 hours earlier this week. This is because some lovely person decided it would be fun to hack the site. So What Actually Happened? On Tuesday morning I woke up to find the homepage for the Blog, Forums and Gigs website replaced by a … Read more

New Forum for Android Developers

Today I’d like to announce a bit of a new direction for this website. I’ve just launched an official forum, associated with the blog. It’s available at There’s a couple of reasons why I decided to launch this forum. I’ve been getting a lot of email queries lately, which would probably be of general … Read more

Received My First Payment From LeadBolt

A few people have asked whether LeadBolt is a reliable advertising network, and how quickly developers are paid. I’ve been using the network for a few months now, with very good results. Using the new app wall format, I’ve been getting an eCPM of $1.86. Here’s my first payment notification from December last year.  Yes, … Read more

Protecting from Cyber Attackers

Cyber attackers are constantly looking for new ways to gain access to networks. They target servers that run old and poorly-maintained software on purpose. So it’s quite unlikely that hackers will stop looking for opportunities to break into networks. However, they are finding that certain technologies, like the use of firewalls and intrusion prevention systems … Read more

AdMob Code Update Available

AdMob recently released an update to the Android and iPhone SDK. Many developers have noticed a message on their “Sites & Apps” report indicating there is a “code update available“. However, AdMob don’t seem to have released a changelog or any release notes indicating what has actually changed in this latest version (v 4.1.0). So … Read more

Available in Android Market – Official Badges for your Site

Last night Google posted a tweet from @AndroidDev mentioning a new badge available for Android developers. If you’ve currently got an app on the Market, you can download the official badge titled “Available in Android Market” to place on your website. This is designed to help standardize the Android branding experience, and ensure your app … Read more