
Some of you have been asking lately – where the heck has David gone? There have been no posts for over a month now, and I apologise for disappearing without warning. Where have I been? Travelling the world, actually. At the start of August I left for a pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2011 in … Read more

How to Make Money with Android

So you want to make money with Android? Sell your Android apps to make a profit? Generate enough revenues from your Android apps that you can quit your job and live off the earnings? Or just learn how to monetize your existing apps? You’ve come to the right place. This blog will be a journal … Read more

Google Play – The New Android Market

Today Google announced (in several places) that the Android Market is being rebranded “Google Play” The new marketplace (sorry, “play store”) includes content from four main areas – Movies, Music, Apps & Games, and Books. Of course, not all of these are available outside of the US yet, so folks in Australia will only get access … Read more

Increase Mobile Ad Revenue by Avoiding These 5 Common Mistakes

This is a guest post written by Richard O’Connell, Global Marketing Director for PapayaMobile and AppFlood. What we’ve learned from the thousands of Android developers that we’ve helped is that there is always a way to increase a developer’s revenue. Improvements to their mobile monetization strategy might be as complicated as A/B testing ad formats … Read more

Why Android May Soon Be The Dominant Platform for Mobile Advertising

This is a guest post written by Michael Essany, senior editor of Mobile Marketing Watch. Rarely stated but universally accepted, mobile apps have played a pivotal role in creating the market duopoly that iOS and Android now enjoy. Without their enthusiastic and prolific developer communities, it’s unlikely that iOS and Android would collectively account for … Read more


My name’s David Webb, and I’m an independent Android developer from Australia. I started this site to document my journey with Android. Starting from scratch, my aim is to eventually reach $1000/month from Android development. My Background I first touched a computer in 2001 – promptly disassembling it and hanging up the pieces in neat … Read more

I Won An iPad

You know all those “Win an iPad” competitions that seem to be so prolific throughout online advertising? I’ve seen so many of these competitions that at some point I just stopped paying attention, let alone entering the contest. I never knew anyone who actually won an iPad, so what’s the point of entering? Well just last … Read more

Tap That! Number v4.0

I’ve just released a new version of Tap That! Number for Android – version 4.0. It’s a major revamp, as I’ve completely re-written the high scores component. Instead of using ScoreNinja (a lightweight high scores library), I’ve opted for Scoreloop, one of the big social gaming platforms. This basically means the whole interface looks a lot … Read more

Steve Jobs is Dead

Wow. Today the technology industry farewells one of the greatest visionaries we’ve ever seen. Apple has confirmed that Steve Jobs, ex-CEO of Apple, passed away today: We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of … Read more