Samsung Galaxy S II vs. HTC Sensation – Which is best?

The two hottest smartphones announced this year are the Samsung Galaxy S II, and the HTC Sensation. Both devices have fantastic specs and a huge 4.3″ screen. But at the end of the day, which one performs best? Which one should you buy? Read on for a full comparison, including a color-coded table showing where … Read more

Hacker News: The Aftermath

Yesterday, on a whim, I decided to submit one of my articles to Hacker News. I didn’t really expect anything to come of it, due to my previous experience with sites like Digg and Reddit. Well, I was wrong. The article hit the front page of HN within minutes, and stayed there for over 10 hours. … Read more

Free Google+ Invites

By now you’ve probably heard of Google’s latest effort in the social space – Google+ (pronounced “Google Plus”). Based on the Google +1 concept, Google+ is more of a social network, integrated across all the Google sites. This includes Gmail, Google Search, Reader, and Buzz. You can read more about this ambitious project on the … Read more

Android Income Report #3

Here’s an interesting stat for you – this month, I made more money writing about Android than I did from Android apps themselves! How does that work? Well, this blog has seen a pretty steady increase in traffic since I wrote the first article at the beginning of April. A couple of weeks ago, that … Read more

Android Income Report #5 (August)

Well, I’ve got way behind in my income reports. My last report (July 2011) is over 3 months old already. It’s good to keep the continuity though, so I’ll publish this post for my August revenue – even though it wasn’t a very exciting month. The huge revenues from my Google+ Invites app had diminished … Read more

Making Money With Android On IRC

Hi everyone! Forum member Gabriele (megasoft78) recently posted a thread about creating an IRC channel for this website. This would provide an avenue for realtime discussion, and another way of exchanging ideas with the people who already frequent the blog and forums. The feedback so far has been very positive, so we now have a new … Read more

Developer Directory

This directory contains a list of all the Android Developers I could find, along with their websites. If you are an Android Developer, and would like to have your blog added to this list, click here to submit your site.

New Forum for Android Developers

Today I’d like to announce a bit of a new direction for this website. I’ve just launched an official forum, associated with the blog. It’s available at There’s a couple of reasons why I decided to launch this forum. I’ve been getting a lot of email queries lately, which would probably be of general … Read more

Making Money with iAds – an iOS Developer’s Story

The developer of ProPassword (for iOS devices) has posted an interesting testimony on his blog. He released the app for free, relying on Apple’s advertising platform, iAd as the sole source of revenue. Over 15,000 downloads later, this developer decides that ad-supported free apps just aren’t a reliable revenue source.

Is User a Monkey?

One of the things I love about Google is that the company has a sense of humor. Just look at how seriously they take April Fools day, or the easter-egg built into Google Docs. This sense of humor didn’t miss the Android team. Take a look at the official documentation for ActivityManager. What’s this I … Read more