First week on the Android Market

It’s over a week now since I uploaded the finished version of Tap That! Number to the Android Market. Some people have been asking how the app is going now, so I thought I’d share with you some statistics and figures from the past week or so.

Development Update

This blog has been pretty quiet lately. I haven’t been able to post anything for a while due to work and study commitments. Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll be able to get back into things, and post about my second month on the Android Market. In the meantime, here’s a quick update on … Read more

Increase Mobile Ad Revenue by Avoiding These 5 Common Mistakes

This is a guest post written by Richard O’Connell, Global Marketing Director for PapayaMobile and AppFlood. What we’ve learned from the thousands of Android developers that we’ve helped is that there is always a way to increase a developer’s revenue. Improvements to their mobile monetization strategy might be as complicated as A/B testing ad formats … Read more

Android Income Report #8 (November 2011)

Overview In my October report, I described how this one simple app turned into an overnight success. Fake iPhone 4S brought in over $700 in October alone, helping to bring my total earnings for that month over the nominal target of $1000. In November, these already fantastic results improved in every way. Total Active Installs … Read more

SOPA Blackout Today

January 18th is SOPA Blackout Day. I’ll be participating in this endeavour – anyone visiting the blog today will be presented with a black overlay and a link explaining why the SOPA legislation is so dangerous to the internet as we know it today. For those who aren’t aware, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) is … Read more


My name’s David Webb, and I’m an independent Android developer from Australia. I started this site to document my journey with Android. Starting from scratch, my aim is to eventually reach $1000/month from Android development. My Background I first touched a computer in 2001 – promptly disassembling it and hanging up the pieces in neat … Read more

How to add the Google Plus One (+1) Button to WordPress

Google has just announced the availability of the Plus One (+1) button for webmasters. Google +1 is similar to Facebook’s “Like” button. Clicking “+1” on a webpage will share the page publicly with your friends. But where can your friends see this? Unlike Facbook, Google doesn’t have a homepage where you can see all your … Read more

The Heist overtakes Angry Birds as #1

Yet another success story from Apple’s App Store. The Heist is a new game for the iPhone from the creators of Camera+. I wrote about these guys previously – they certainly know how to make good apps. Until recently, Angry Birds was the uncontested best seller on the App Store. However, for the past 3 … Read more

Making Money with iAds – an iOS Developer’s Story

The developer of ProPassword (for iOS devices) has posted an interesting testimony on his blog. He released the app for free, relying on Apple’s advertising platform, iAd as the sole source of revenue. Over 15,000 downloads later, this developer decides that ad-supported free apps just aren’t a reliable revenue source.